How & Why

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/4"][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_video title="View how easy our templates are to operate!" link=""][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/4"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text]I offer multiple levels of pre-made programs, depending on your needs. All of my programs are entirely automated, in that they are extremely easy to select your exercises and set/rep scheme you want from them simply using dropdown lists. How much time

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Which Excel Template is Right For You?

Which excel template? As you look through the gallery of templates we offer, it may become overwhelming trying to choose one that works for you, they all look different, but similar in many ways.  Heres a few hints of things to look at to help you pick a template that fits your goals. Total number

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Using the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) With Teams

If you are reading this post, you probably know what the FMS is and how to perform the screen.  If not, I highly recommend you check out Gray Cooks website to learn more and to find out about certifications etc about the FMS. Using the FMS on individual clients is relatively straightforward.  Screen them, score

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Personal Training - Consistency, Repetition and Results

Personal training has gone through fad after fad after fad.  The current fad seems to be "muscle confusion" wherein the workouts are different every single time so your "body never adapts" to the workout!  Can you believe that?  Who DOESNT want their body to adapt to the work they are doing?  If you are doing

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Methods of Organization

So you are considering a new training template to use with your clients, but are trying to figure out the best way to organize your files.  Well, I am here to show you two very effective methods to do this.  Lets get to it. The Tab Method The first, have one master file and create

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Introductory Workout Card

So I touched on this topic before in my post 5 Benefits To Programmed Training, and I wanted to elaborate on it in case anyone wanted more information.  I have 2 variations of introductory excel workout logs, beginner and intermediate.  There is no way for me to know if someone is advanced without having seen

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When to change exercises?

As trainers, we are faced with several demands when it comes to program design.  We need to balance getting results vs keeping the clients interested and engaged.  As life would have it, these are also the two most important things that will either ensure you retain your clients or that you lose them after their

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Weight Training Percentages & Personal Training

  Weight Training Percentages Percentages in personal training can be absolutely invaluable.  However, they need to be incorporated correctly in order to get the benefit out of them.  One thing to think about, are percentages necessary for your clients? Nearly every strength and conditioning coach in the country relies on percentages to enforce desired intensities

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Single Leg Training Progressions

  Single leg training is extremely important in all populations, from bodybuilders to elderly and even elite athletes.  We all know life takes place one step at a time, and this alone is a reason to knock out a few sets of single leg movements.  However, research has shown a single leg movement will produce

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